Haircare for Your Little One's Crown

Haircare for Your Little One's Crown

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“Is Hair oiling good for my child’s hair health?”

Your baby or toddler's hair is very delicate and texturally different from adult hair, and thus requires gentle & natural care. Hair Oiling with natural oils is one of the best ways to provide your baby’s hair with nourishment so that their crown strengthens.

This little habit, from a young age, will prevent alopecia, hair thinning, scalp infections, balding, premature hair ageing and a host of other concerns that often trouble us as adults. Moreover simple natural habits like oiling at a young age will keep your baby’s grown glowing.


Benefits of a regular hair oil massage:

  1. Improves blood circulation & ensures follicle health.
  2. Calms the nervous system, giving them a sense of grounding and relaxation.
  3. Enriches the scalp with necessary vitamins and nutrients, depending on the oil you use (more on this below).
  4. Naturally conditions the hair, limiting tangles, breakage and more happy hair days for the little one.
  5. A good massage session is a good time to bond with your little one, and create ritual of love that will last with them along their adulthood.

A good Haircare Routine for your little wonder would involve a love filled hair oiling session (you can slightly warm the hair oil for a more soothing experience). Gently massage the hair oil into the scalp for about 10 minutes and give a light coat on the strands, leaving it on for about 2-3 hours to allow the scalp and hair to absorb the oil well. Finally washing it off with a good gentle cleanser/shampoo. 

Things to avoid when Hair Oiling for Little One’s:

  1. Don’t apply too much oil: “Never overdo a good thing!”  Too much oil can clog the pores as children tend to sweat more than adults, given their higher energy levels. Always apply the oil well into the scalp, giving it a gentle massage, followed by a simple coat of the hair oil along the hair strands from root to tip, prevent breakage and hygral distress. Moreover you shouldn’t wash their hair too often as this can lead to a PH Imbalance from a young age (which results in either excessively dry scalp or an oily scalp in young adults). Keep oiling as a tradition on wash days for these munchkins.
  2. Don’t keep the oil on for a long time: Children can get fussy and irritable, and the aim is to create a soothing healthy habit that lasts them through their adulthood. Ideally 2-3 hours is sufficient time to leave the hair oil before washing it off. If your little one prefers overnight oiling, thats ok too, however do not keep oil longer than overnight. Ask your little what they like so they can be a part of their self-care from a young age.
  3. Warm the oil: A Warm oil massage not only helps the child feel more relaxed, it also penetrates deeper into their scalp and nourishes it well. However never boil the oil as that can deplete the natural nutrients of the oil. A double warming method is ideal. If your child doesn’t prefer warm oils then using the oils at room temperature is just as good!

Now, let’s look at which of our Floral Blend Oils would be best suited for your little one. All our oils are 100% chemical free, with in-house farmed ingredients containing no sulphates and other nasties. 

Hibiscus Hair Oil: Our Hibiscus Hair Oil is ideal for babies and perfect to start the oiling rituals for your toddlers. Its lightweight, rich in Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Lauric acid. It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties (from the Neem & Amla as key ingredients) and hence, naturally keep dandruff and scalp infections at bay. It has cooling properties and is ideal for use during the summers. 

Rosemary Bhringraj & Mustard Hair Oil: Ideal for growing toddlers as Bhringraj & Mustard are one of the most nutrient rich and nourishing oils for a growing little human. It increases blood circulation and is a balancing oil - with warm and cooling ingredients such as Mustard, Ashwagandha, Peppermint and much more, making it excellent to use in both summers & winters.

AloeSesame Hair Oil: Most suitable if your toddler has dry scalp/hair or curly hair type as the Aloevera & Black Sesame combination will help soothe frizz and nourish the strands to bring lustre and softness to the curls. Also enriched with castor and rosemary this promotes hair growth and strengthens the hair follicles. Ideal for use during summers & winters.

Fleura Jasmine Oil: If your little one is facing any scalp issues such as fungal infections (very common in young ones since they play in mud and dirt a lot), flaky dandruff and other scalp issues the Fleura Jasmine Oil is ideal for their scalp massage to first tackle the infection/issues and then opt for an oiling regimen. On the plus side the Fleura Jasmine Oil also is a great pre-bath massage oil for babies and toddlers as it improves bone and muscle strength.

If in doubt, just drop us a DM on Instagram and Our Team would be happy to help you create a ritual of love for your baby.

Ps. Our Floral Oils are Safe for Babies & Toddlers (Girls & Boys, both). Feel free to connect with us to know more.


Wishing your little one a beautiful & healthy crowning glory!